Creado por:
Neil Banks
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I am raising money in support of the Prostate Cancer Charity here in Sweden by doing the Movember campaign (Mustaschkampen på svenska).

27 men per day receive the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

I have gone through this process a few times already to check out issues and, luckily for me, I haven't received the bad news.

I know of three other people who haven't been so lucky, but were lucky enough to be treated early enough thanks to the continued research that goes on.

If you would like donate please do so, or even join me by growing a moustache during November, just a bit of fun for a serious disease.
6.750 kr
0 Días restantes

Actividad reciente

  • Kåre Ljungberg Kåre Ljungberg donado 100 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack så mycket!
  • Neil Banks Neil Banks
    Thank you so much for your donations. To get over 6000kr is far beyond my expectations.
    Thanks too to you who shared your stories about your experiences with prostate cancer, it really is a disease that so little is talked about.

    Best wishes,
  • Usuario anónimo Usuario anónimo donado 100 kr

    Tack Neil för din engagemang.

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack!
  • Knut Sukuvara Knut Sukuvara donado 50 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack!
  • Marco Leal Marco Leal donado 300 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack!
  • Usuario anónimo Usuario anónimo donado 100 kr

  • Garry Wevill Garry Wevill donado 100 kr

    Even though the bum fluff is barely visible it is a great cause

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: 🤪
  • Sofia Englund Sofia Englund donado 100 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack!
  • Julia  Schulin Julia Schulin donado 200 kr

    Förlorade min morfar till följd av prostatacancer och min pappa har gått igenom operation och strålbehandling för samma, har har som tur är blivit frisk. Fint initiativ Neil. Önskar jag själv kunde odla en mustasch 👴🏼😁

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack 🙏
    Det är en jäkligt envis sjukdom.
  • Anders Boqvist Anders Boqvist donado 300 kr

    Go ”Loket”! 👊 Fam. Boqvist

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack så mycket!
  • Karin Skarp Karin Skarp donado 300 kr

    Fint initiativ! Klart vi är med i kampen! /familjen Skarp

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack så mycket!
  • Christine  Holmström Christine Holmström donado 100 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack tack!
  • Ulf Åkerström Ulf Åkerström donado 200 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack så mycket
  • Familjen Backstad Familjen Backstad donado 300 kr

    Klara & Matilda stöttar Loket, jag menar Neil 😀

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: 😂 tack!
  • Per Edner Per Edner donado 300 kr

    Let’s fight this together

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: 💪
  • Usuario anónimo Usuario anónimo donado 50 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Thanks
  • Lotta Edgren Lotta Edgren donado 100 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack så mycket
  • Usuario anónimo Usuario anónimo donado 50 kr

    Astrid Löchen m familj 👨🏻

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Thank you
  • Rebecca Rosander Rebecca Rosander donado 500 kr

    I will gladly contribute. My grandfather died of prostate cancer, my mother in law´s husband is currently fighting it and my own father have had several prostate biopsies after high PSA measurements (luckily no cancer).

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: It's a horrible horrible disease, many men ignore/or aren't aware of the signs.
    Hope your mother-in-law's husband pulls through 🙏.
  • Tobias Nordahl Tobias Nordahl donado 150 kr

    Go Neil!

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Thanks
  • Pontus Ekström Pontus Ekström donado 300 kr

    Such a great initiative Neil. I will donate 100 kr for every kid in my family. Take care! /Pontus, Majkens pappa.

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Thank you!
  • Usuario anónimo Usuario anónimo donado 100 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Thank you
  • Erika Eriksson Erika Eriksson donado 100 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack så mycket
  • Anders Lundberg Anders Lundberg donado 100 kr

    Neil Banks Neil Banks: Tack så mycket