Roger and Peters mustasch for mens health

Opprettet av:
Peter Blomqvist
Deltar i:
Mustaschkampen 2021
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Roger and Peters mustasch for mens health

We have started to grow two "crowd funding mustasches", to increase awareness of the research in prostate cancer, as a part of the nationwide campaign Mustaschkampen, organized by the Swedish Prostate Cancer Federations
During November and until December 15th we want to contribute to the long term good health in men, where any contributions will go to the great work done by the Swedish Prostate Cancer Foundation.
Support two mustasches and donate your contribution today!
15 000 kr
0 Dager igjen

Peter Blomqvist støttet 500 kr

Nylig aktivitet

  • Camill Johansson Camill Johansson støttet 500 kr

    I will miss the mustaches when they go :-)

  • Emma Byrnes Emma Byrnes støttet 500 kr

    Good Luck!!!

  • Maureen Mason Maureen Mason støttet 500 kr

    Great cause, well done to you both (and to your wives!)

  • Anonym Anonym støttet 400 kr

  • Christian Werner Christian Werner støttet 500 kr

    Keep growing

  • Ashleigh  Nugent Ashleigh Nugent støttet 500 kr

    Well done, gents!

  • Nicolai Marroquin Nicolai Marroquin støttet 500 kr

    Fantastic initiative!!!

  • Alberto Antunes Alberto Antunes støttet 500 kr

    Next year we make it a PTC event, well done and keep sharing the pictures

  • Lisa Schuckert Lisa Schuckert støttet 300 kr

    Great initiative and good luck!

  • Martina Heidelberger Martina Heidelberger støttet 1 000 kr

  • Birgit  Hutz Birgit Hutz støttet 500 kr

    Keep on going and good luck to reach your goal!

  • Rongrong Z Rongrong Z støttet 500 kr

    Vilket härligt initiativ, Peter och Roger. Ni ser bra ut med mustascher. :)

  • Cinzia Guarino Cinzia Guarino støttet 500 kr

    Great initiative! Good picture of you guys!!

  • Isabella Fabbri Isabella Fabbri støttet 500 kr

    Go for it! I look forward to more pictures!

  • Wido Tilmann Wido Tilmann støttet 500 kr

  • Sandra  Shahinyan Sandra Shahinyan støttet 500 kr

  • Veronika Stoll Veronika Stoll støttet 300 kr

    Sharing is caring :)

  • Jesse Sibarium Jesse Sibarium støttet 500 kr

    Well done gents!!

  • Isabell Fausch Isabell Fausch støttet 500 kr

    What a great idea to raise awareness and help others!

  • Mark Rance Mark Rance støttet 500 kr

    Great Tashes for a Great Cause!!

  • Darren Byrne Darren Byrne støttet 500 kr

    Well done on a great cause

  • Elisabeth Strandberg Elisabeth Strandberg støttet 500 kr

  • Niclas Stridsberg Niclas Stridsberg støttet 500 kr

    You look good with moustaches! From a bearded frined

  • John Martin John Martin støttet 500 kr

    Outstanding !